Monday, March 27, 2006

March 27, 2006

Today, I created a few discussion groups that will attempt to provide a forum for independent producers to discuss issues and problems related to their operations. The moderators involved in each discussion will then have a chance to review and research the 'common theme' that appears immediately obvious during any one week, then write a comment on this common theme for the group. Not only will this provide a starting reference point for producers, but it will also keep people involved with the Life Sciences Division an opportunity to test their mental mettle! These discussion groups are listed in the sidebar to the right.

However, the following disclaimer applies: we are not responsible for any losses or damages resulting from our advice on any single topic so long as it is applied through these discussion groups. This may sound alarming, but this disclaimer is standard practice in consulting, as similar issues/problems can be caused by different factors in many cases. For individual solutions, we strongly suggest you contact Nathan and arrange to have a consultant meet you in person.

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